
Posted on by angad

Thanks to all those who attended the Hack Workshop Series. We did 8 workshops this semester and the response from the audience was really good. We (also) got to learn a lot after doing all these workshops.

So what we think is that learning is important and is a never ending process. And we will be providing you with workshops in the future too to make sure learning never stops. And we are getting better at doing the workshops :P (If you cannot attend them, the material will always be present on the linuxNUS website)

We want to develop applications for fun and learning. There are ideas everywhere. And I think each one of us can execute these ideas - either by forming a team or by doing it yourself. Its really fun to see your application or your code helping somebody. And we want to bridge the gap between the audience and us doing the workshops.

So next semester, we will be focusing a lot on making applications, websites and software - Implementing our own ideas and doing things that we like. We have lots of small ideas and the best way to learn is to learn it by doing. So expect a lot of coding sessions where we all sit together in places (COM1, canteens etc) to code for all sorts of random things.

Have a look at this to get what we mean - https://github.com/nushackers

Just to give it a push - we will be closing down the hws@linuxnus.org method of reaching out to you and starting a separate mailing list for the Hack Workshops, discussions and all the cool stuff that we do. Join this mailing list here //groups.google.com/group/nushackers where its not just a one way communication of we guys sending you the details of the workshops etc. You can join in the discussions and get to meet a lot many interested souls who can collaborate on all sorts of interesting projects.

Also, we are planning to rename our group from linuxNUS to Hackers@NUS - we realized, we are more than just Linux :) We have lots of cool stuff in the pipeline for next semester. Join the mailing list to be in the loop for the activities. Came across an interesting link? let the CS42 know :P

If you are interested in joining the coreteam and think you can help us with our activities, drop in an email coreteam at linuxnus dot org

Btw, if you are wondering what is CS42 - We were usually discussing some interesting topics on a restricted linuxNUS mailing list. CS42 is simply to get those discussions kickin for if(isNerd) return true;

CS = Computer Science 42 = the answer to life the universe and everything

“Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.” Edsger Dijkstra quotes (Dutch computer Scientist. Turing Award in 1972. 1930-2002)

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