Digest: Pivot Tables in SQL - Converting Rows to Columns

Posted on by Herbert Ilhan Tanujaya

(This post is cross-posted from //herbert.id/2017/11/pivot-tables-in-sql/.)

A few weeks ago I gave a talk at NUS Hackers’s Friday Hacks on some advanced tips in using SQL. (It was my first technical talk, btw!) Here, I will elaborate upon one of those tips in more detail.


I have been working on a website that hosts math olympiad contests monthly. (Shameless plug - source code at https://github.com/donjar/kontes-terbuka, website at https://ktom.tomi.or.id. Even though it is in Bahasa Indonesia, Google Translate gives a good enough translation.) In each contest, there are several structured questions that a contestant can solve. The schema is something like this:


  • id: primary key
  • user_id: foreign key to users
  • problem_id: foreign key to problems
  • score: integer

(There is some sample SQL data that can be found here. The file dump.sql is of your interest; check out the contest_scores table. The file contest_pivot_table.sql is the solution to the problem below. This repo was originally made for my SQL Wizardry presentation.)


Let’s say the current data looks like this:

 id | user_id | problem_id | score
  1 |       1 |          1 |     3
  2 |       1 |          2 |     8
  3 |       1 |          3 |     1
  4 |       2 |          1 |     7
  5 |       2 |          2 |     3
  6 |       2 |          3 |     3
  7 |       3 |          1 |     4
  8 |       3 |          2 |     2
  9 |       3 |          3 |     3
 10 |       4 |          1 |     7
 11 |       4 |          2 |     5
 12 |       5 |          1 |     4
 13 |       5 |          3 |     7
 14 |       6 |          2 |     3
 15 |       6 |          3 |     4
 16 |       7 |          1 |     4
 17 |       7 |          2 |     4
 18 |       7 |          3 |     9
 19 |       8 |          1 |     7
 20 |       8 |          2 |     2
 21 |       8 |          3 |     4
 22 |       9 |          1 |     8
 23 |       9 |          2 |     0
 24 |       9 |          3 |     4
 25 |      10 |          1 |     3
 26 |      10 |          2 |     3
 27 |      10 |          3 |     6

Obviously data like this is not suitable to be shown to the end user. What we want is something like this:

 user_id | problem_1 | problem_2 | problem_3
       1 |         3 |         8 |         1
       2 |         7 |         3 |         3
       3 |         4 |         2 |         3
       4 |         7 |         5 |
       5 |         4 |           |         7
       6 |           |         3 |         4
       7 |         4 |         4 |         9
       8 |         7 |         2 |         4
       9 |         8 |         0 |         4
      10 |         3 |         3 |         6

Notice that this involves converting rows of the table into columns: in this case, the problem_id needs to be “split” into problem_1, problem_2, and problem_3.

You can’t do this with a normal SQL SELECT statement! Normally, when you select columns, you can only select based on operations on the existing columns. There are no operations that allow you to convert rows into columns in this way.

You can work around this with table joins though, for example:

    problem_1 AS score
  FROM submissions
    problem_id = 1
) AS problem_1_table, (
    problem_2 AS score
  FROM submissions
    problem_id = 2
) AS problem_2_table, (
    problem_3 AS score
  FROM submissions
    problem_id = 3
) AS problem_3_table

FROM problem_1_table
FULL OUTER JOIN problem_2_table
ON problem_1_table.user_id = problem_2_table.user_id
FULL OUTER JOIN problem_3_table
ON problem_1_table.user_id = problem_3_table.user_id

Basically, problem_1_table is a table that contains the (user_id, score) pair for submissions with problem_id = 1, and so on. Afterwards, we join with them on the user_id to produce the table we want.

In fact, this was our original approach to the problem! The website was built with Ruby on Rails, and we used a loop in Ruby to loop through all problems and generate the corresponding SQL query. I would see SQL queries like this often:

SELECT user_contests.*, marks.short_mark, marks.long_mark, marks.total_mark,
case when marks.total_mark >= gold_cutoff then 'Emas' when marks.total_mark >=
silver_cutoff then 'Perak' when marks.total_mark >= bronze_cutoff then
'Perunggu' else '' end as award, "long_problem_marks_269"."problem_no_269",
"long_problem_marks_268"."problem_no_268", RANK() OVER(ORDER BY
marks.total_mark DESC) AS rank FROM "user_contests" INNER JOIN "contests" ON
"contests"."id" = "user_contests"."contest_id" INNER JOIN "users" ON
"users"."id" = "user_contests"."user_id" INNER JOIN (SELECT user_contests.*,
short_marks.short_mark, long_marks.long_mark, (short_marks.short_mark +
long_marks.long_mark) as total_mark FROM "user_contests" INNER JOIN (SELECT
user_contests.id as id, sum(case when short_submissions.answer =
short_problems.answer then 1 else 0 end) as short_mark FROM "user_contests"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "short_submissions" ON "short_submissions"."user_contest_id" =
"user_contests"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "short_submissions"
"short_submissions_user_contests_join" ON
"short_submissions_user_contests_join"."user_contest_id" = "user_contests"."id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "short_problems" ON "short_problems"."id" =
"short_submissions_user_contests_join"."short_problem_id" WHERE
"user_contests"."contest_id" = 29 AND ("short_submissions"."short_problem_id" =
"short_problems"."id" OR ("short_submissions"."short_problem_id" IS NULL AND
"short_problems"."id" IS NULL)) GROUP BY "user_contests"."id") short_marks ON
"user_contests"."id" = "short_marks"."id" INNER JOIN (SELECT user_contests.id
as id, sum(coalesce(long_submissions.score, 0)) as long_mark FROM
"user_contests" LEFT OUTER JOIN "long_submissions" ON
"long_submissions"."user_contest_id" = "user_contests"."id" WHERE
"user_contests"."contest_id" = 29 GROUP BY "user_contests"."id") long_marks ON
"user_contests"."id" = "long_marks"."id" WHERE "user_contests"."contest_id" =
29) marks ON "user_contests"."id" = "marks"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
user_contests.id as id, long_submissions.score as problem_no_269 FROM
"user_contests" LEFT OUTER JOIN "long_submissions" ON
"long_submissions"."user_contest_id" = "user_contests"."id" WHERE
"long_submissions"."long_problem_id" = 269) long_problem_marks_269 ON
"user_contests"."id" = "long_problem_marks_269"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
user_contests.id as id, long_submissions.score as problem_no_271 FROM
"user_contests" LEFT OUTER JOIN "long_submissions" ON
"long_submissions"."user_contest_id" = "user_contests"."id" WHERE
"long_submissions"."long_problem_id" = 271) long_problem_marks_271 ON
"user_contests"."id" = "long_problem_marks_271"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
user_contests.id as id, long_submissions.score as problem_no_270 FROM
"user_contests" LEFT OUTER JOIN "long_submissions" ON
"long_submissions"."user_contest_id" = "user_contests"."id" WHERE
"long_submissions"."long_problem_id" = 270) long_problem_marks_270 ON
"user_contests"."id" = "long_problem_marks_270"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
user_contests.id as id, long_submissions.score as problem_no_268 FROM
"user_contests" LEFT OUTER JOIN "long_submissions" ON
"long_submissions"."user_contest_id" = "user_contests"."id" WHERE
"long_submissions"."long_problem_id" = 268) long_problem_marks_268 ON
"user_contests"."id" = "long_problem_marks_268"."id" WHERE
"user_contests"."contest_id" = 29 AND "users"."province_id" = 35  ORDER BY
"marks"."total_mark" DESC

It wasn’t very pretty Ruby and SQL code, but hey, it works. But of course, this does not sit really well with me - using Ruby to generate SQL and using that generated code to query data seems weird, isn’t it?

Of course we can just select all data in SQL and do the processing in Ruby on Rails. However, as the saying goes - do the data processing in the database level, where it is suitable for the job right?

Enter pivot tables.

Pivot Tables

You might have heard about pivot tables from Microsoft Excel. To quote Wikipedia:

A pivot table is a table that summarizes data in another table, and is made by applying an operation such as sorting, averaging, or summing to data in the first table, typically including grouping of the data.

The “grouping of the data” is of interest here.


Pivot tables have different implementations across different databases. I am only going to discuss how to do it in PostgreSQL, as that is the database I am using in my application. You should be able to find implementations for other databases by searching for something like “pivot tables MySQL”.


In PostgreSQL, the relevant function is called “crosstab”. It is available as an extension, and hence, you should install it first by running CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc; as a superuser.

The relevant documentation can be found here. One thing you might notice, though, is that there are actually four different crosstab functions!

The functions are actually generating pivot tables, only with different abstraction levels. I found that the crosstab(text source_sql, text category_sql) function produces the result I needed. To quote the documentation:

source_sql is a SQL statement that produces the source set of data. This statement must return one row_name column, one category column, and one value column. It may also have one or more “extra” columns. The row_name column must be first. The category and value columns must be the last two columns, in that order. Any columns between row_name and category are treated as “extra”. The “extra” columns are expected to be the same for all rows with the same row_name value.

So basically, source_sql is in the form:

SELECT key(s), categories, values FROM ...

and the category_sql matches the values that we want in the category to separate.

An example will make these concepts clearer. Going to the example we discussed previously, we notice that the key is the user_id - basically, this is the column we want as our first column. The category is problem_id, since this is what we want the next columns of the resulting pivot table to be. And finally, the values to be filled in inside the resulting table would be score. It is normal to use an ORDER BY key as well here, so that the resulting pivot table is not jumbled. Combining all of them, we have this source_sql query:

SELECT user_id, problem_id, score FROM submissions ORDER BY user_id

For the category, we know that the problem IDs we want are 1, 2, and 3. Hence, the corresponding category_sql is:

SELECT 1, 2, 3

(in reality we would want something like SELECT id FROM problems ORDER BY id).

And at the end, we would need to specify the columns to be generated as well, with this format:

("column1" category1, "column2" category2, ...)

In this case, it would be:

("user_id" int, "problem_1" int, "problem_2" int, "problem_3" int)

Hence, the resulting SQL query is:

SELECT * FROM crosstab(
  'SELECT user_id, problem_id, score FROM submissions ORDER BY user_id',
  'SELECT 1, 2, 3'
) AS (
  "user_id" int,
  "problem_1" int,
  "problem_2" int,
  "problem_3" int

This will return just what we wanted!


While this query is “cleaner” than the SQL joins “workaround” I wrote previously, there are still some problems with this solution. Firstly, there is a need to specify the columns in the resulting pivot table. While this can also be generated with the underlying framework (with Ruby etc.), we still need to query two times: once to get the column definitions (for example, SELECT id FROM problems), and once to do the actual crosstab query. If I remember correctly, this problem is not specific to PostgreSQL; other databases also have this problem. This solution will not solve the problem of using the application to craft SQL queries.

The other problem which might not be obvious is about ORMs - it is highly unlikely that ORMs have support for pivot tables. This may cause problems with using ORM tools - for example, while ActiveRecord (the ORM in Ruby on Rails) has a find_by_sql method, chaining it with another ActiveRecord method can cause bugs. In my case, Submissions.find_by_sql(crosstab_query).count does not work (as I assume Rails doesn’t know where to put the COUNT query).

With two queries running, performance might also be a problem. From my observations, the SQL joins query takes around 70 ms, while these two queries take around 50 ms in total; however, this does not account for network overheads etc. A more systematic benchmarking is needed to confirm if this solution is indeed faster than the joining solution.


If you need to somehow convert rows into columns, and vice versa, to do grouping/aggregation, pivot tables might be for you. While several problems exist, I still believe that pivot table is the right tool for the job and the resulting solution is “cleaner”.

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