
Here is a list of former coreteam members. We are thankful to them for their service.

Eli James/Cedric was a Computer Science undergraduate, and is responsible for Novelr and Pandamian. He loves ebook formats, Python, and cats. (Well, and tea. Lots of tea.) More about him at

Tay Ray Chuan was a software enthusiast and student, with interests as disparate as history and philosophy. In between ploughing through his tutorials, he hacks randomly, mainly in Python and JavaScript. In addition to working on open-source, he hopes to give back to the community through his involvement in NUS Hackers.

Omer Iqbal was a Computer Engineering undergraduate who loves drinking language Koolaid. These days his passions include clojure hacking, Westerosi politics and cheap coffee.

Divyanshu Arora was a Computer Science undergraduate at NUS. His time is mostly split among web development, linux sys administration, and random hacks. Oh, and reading interesting books. More about him at

Angad Singh was a Computer Engineering undergraduate. He joined linuxNUS in his first month in NUS and has been with it ever since. He codes to scratch itches, here and there. He also specializes in Embedded Systems with a varied interest in micro-controllers. He started the HackDay Series with the help of his team in NUS. More about him at

Shan was a Computer Science undergraduate. He can almost always be spotted engulfed in either his Android or his laptop. He is an advocate of open source software, and swears by Linux. If not currently engaged by a gadget that is powered up, he would either be tearing it apart to figure out how it works, or to hack it to make it faster, better and more useful! Zealous about stargazing and classical music. Just to name a couple of facets that make up Shan!

Rahul Gokul was , and is, a hardware hacker.

Heng Low Wee was a Computer Science undergraduate. He supports the idea of open source software, and is interested in learning more about anything cool. He is now into developing his first Android app. More about him at

Shawn Tan was a Computer Science undergraduate and plans to pursue a career in research. He interests lie in machine learning and AI in general.

Laurence Putra Franslay was a Computer Science undergraduate, and focuses mainly in the area of distributed systems and computer security. He is quite active in the Singaporean geek scene, and is one of the organisers of Geekcamp. More about him at

Michael was a Computer Science undergraduate. More about him at

Jerome was a Computer Science undergraduate. More about him at

Camillus was a Computer Science undergraduate interested in information security. More about him at

Benedict was a Computer Science undergraduate with interests in Software Engineering. You can reach him at

Pallav was a Computer Science undergraduate and AI/algorithms enthusiast. More about him at

Yujian was a Computer Science undergraduate who likes reading, mathematics, computer science, technology and Spongebob. He also likes to try out new stuff when he’s free. More about him at

Zhi An was a Computer Science undergraduate and also goes by Anzai. When he’s not doing school work, he loves reading technology news (Hacker News is his favourite) and trying out new Linux distributions. More about him at

Joey was a Computer Science undergraduate.

Stacey was a Computer Science undergraduate who loves trekking, philosophy, and tea. More about him at

Vishnu was a CS student who’s interested in too many things at once. You can learn absolutely nothing more about him at his website, but you can follow him on twitter. He’s contactable at

Jeremias was a Computer Engineering undergraduate who loves electronics, music and philosophy.

Chu-Ming was an Electrical Engineering undergraduate with an interest in Computer Science. More about him at

Jingwen was a Computer Science undergraduate. He’s interested in software engineering, programming languages, scalability, vim and techno. He is on Twitter and his personal site is at

Harish V was a Computer Engineering undergraduate and tech enthusiast. Loves to explore the realms of software engineering and music. More information about him here:

David was a Computer Science undergraduate who loves learning and learning how to learn. You can reach him at

Deshun was a Computer Science undergraduate. He likes chocolate.

Li Kai was a Computer Science undergraduate who builds websites, then builds some more.

Advay was a computer science undergraduate. You can find out more about him here

Varun was a CS undergrad interested in Programming Languages and Algorithms. He frequents hackathons and keeps busy with his startup. He’s a varsity Ultimate Frisbee player and cycles around Singapore on weekends. He’s reachable at

Johannes Choo was a computer science undergraduate. His secondary interests include classical languages and philosophy. You can find his code at and his blog at

Jiayee was a computer science undergraduate trying to build a webpage (then website) which she can call her own. Current attempts here: GlacieReiN.

Ramu was an EE undergrad who likes to exercise his imagination and toy with unconventional ideas. He’s into puzzling, tinkering, making and programming. Engage Ramu at

Herbert was a computer science + mathematics student with a broad range of interests. Reach out to him here!

Jethro was a computer science undergraduate, who hacks all things hackable. He organizes an Emacs meetup and would love to see you there! You can stalk him here.

Rachael was a business analytics undergraduate that loves exploring many fields, such as psychology, AI and design. She hope to create and recreate more as she experiments with new things. First attempt in creating a website. Get in touch with her at

Raynold was a computer science student interested in Algorithms, Math and dodgeball. You can find his code at You can engage him at

Francis was a sushi-loving, rock-climbing, tembusu-staying, mural-painting, vampires-studying, Computer Engineering student, hoping to extend this list as the years go by.

Suyash was a computer science undergraduate student who loves everything tech, from new home automation hacks to new apps. He might be new to the world of making things but has been breaking things his whole life. Feel free to contact him at

Julius was a computer science undergraduate who also enjoys Aerospace Engineering, Music Theory and History (reflected in his favourite games: Kerbal Space Program and Europa Universalis IV). You can find his codes here and his website here.

Joel was a computer science undergraduate with an interest in machine learning and distributed systems. Still figuring out how to be as legit as everyone else on this page. You can find him on Kaggle and his website .

E-Liang was a computer science undergraduate with a decade-long interest in software engineering, and a current love for developing full-stack web applications. Star his repos here.

Joshua was a computer science undergraduate with a current interest in full-stack stuff. He enjoys watching football in his free time. He can be reached at

Hao Wei was a computer science undergraduate with an interest in operating systems, systems programming, programming languages, and free software. Find him on GitHub.

Wee Han was a computer science undergraduate with a passion for trying out new things. Currently occupied with full-stack web development, data analytics/visualization and cancer genomics research. Reach him at!

Daryl was a computer science undergraduate and an aspiring full-stack developer. He’s passionate about software engineering, good design and music curation. View his work on GitHub and on his website.

Chaitanya was a CS undergrad who enjoys learning new stuff, but is yet to discover what part of technology truly interests him. You can find out more about him here, or reach him at!

Yuanhong was a computer science undergraduate interested in algorithms and competitive programming. Find him on GitHub.

Steven was a computer science undergraduate who loves experimenting with random stuff. Currently in the process of learning a lot of things :). Want to know more or perhaps just looking for a chat? Reach out to him at!

Ranice was a computer science undergrad with a fat interest in web and game development. When she’s not studying, she’s ricing her current linux distro, OR playing age of empires OR changing the theme of her website… OR posting memes on facebook.. Feel free to contact her at @_@

Azeem was a computer science undergraduate who loves tinkering and building things. He enjoys riding his motorcycle, catching movies and building telegram bots. Reach him at

Jing Yen was a(nother!) CS undergrad that lives the heretic’s life of using Vim in Emacs. Reach out to him at if there’s anything you’d like to discuss with him.

Christopher was a computer science undergraduate that drinks way too much coffee, sleeps way too little, and is passionate about all things computer science. Report his GitHub profile here (please don’t) or send him cat memes at

Noel was a computer science undergraduate who loves meeting people. He enjoys hacking on fun(ny) ideas and optimizing his workstation. Reach out to him at if you’d like to chat.

Yitao was a computer science undergraduate with interest in app development, algorithms, research and other wonky stuff. An avid tea drinker, he also enjoys music and ball games that involve running around. Find him on GitHub.

Shenjia was a computer engineering undergraduate who loves meeting new people and tinkering! She is a little bit of a nerd but really friendly! Chat with her at!

Mayank was a computer science undergraduate, with an interest in programming languages, DNA storage, Hacker News, … and a lot of other, very random, stuff. Feel free to drop in at!

Yong Kang was a computer science undergraduate who enjoys messing around with both software or hardware, probably broke more stuff than he ever fixed >< Apart from binging random YouTube videos about tech or astrophysics, he also listens to mandopop. Connect with him at!

Ziqing was a computer science undergraduate who loves learning how to “HelloWord” new things and meeting new friends. She loves anime, music and weird drinks. Reach out to her at •ᴗ•

Choon Yong was a CS and Stats undergraduate. Catch me either watching wholesome vids, playing FPS or just learning a new language. I get my hands dirty into router firmwares, network security and some custom Android ROM development. Hit me up at ^-^

Ashley was a business analytics undergraduate who often goes out of her comfort zone to try new stuff. She occasionally figure skates when she isn’t busy mugging for mods. Reach out to her at

Jivesh was a computer science undergraduate who’s having fun learning new things. He enjoys reading, football, and foods he hasn’t tried before. Reach him at

Simon was a computer science undergraduate who is still exploring the vast swathes of computer science. He loves playing squash, watching Netflix series/animes, and pondering about his life >_<… Hit him up at!

Irene was an information system undergraduate who is intrigued by a lot of stuff. She can never get enough of desserts, aesthetic Pinterest posts, and lame jokes in Youtube. Hit her up at :)